Biyernes, Oktubre 4, 2013

My Publication (exercise no. 10 MS Publisher)

Exercise no. 10
MS Publisher

In this exercise, we are task to make a greeting card, award certificate and business card publication using the MS Publisher.

 Greeting Card

 Business Card

 Award Certificate

My Powerpoint Presentation (exercise no. 9 slideshow)

Exercise no. 9

In this exercise, we are told use the lesson plan  in MS Word to make a slideshow presentation using the MS PowerPoint. In this activity, we need to apply different animations. transitions, designs and others.

My Grade Sheet (exercise no.8 MS Excel)

Exercise no.8
MS Excel

In this exercise, we are task to make a grade sheet using the MS Excel. We need to make the grade of our 10 students and show the percentage they get in each criteria of grading. And also we need to apply the different formulas in computing the grade in MS Excel and follow this formula as part of how we are graded.

My Lesson Plan ( exercise no. 7 MS Word)

Exercise no.7
MS Word

In this exercise, we are ask to have a sample detailed lesson plan and we need to encode it using the MS Word. We are given with the different format in making our lesson plan. like; the font size. font style, margin. spacing and others. We are graded based on how we apply and follow the format that was given.

My OHP Presentation (Excerse no.6 OHP)

Exercise no.6

In this exercise, we are task to bring a transparency  sheets, pentel pens, coloring pens and sample detailed lesson plan. We need to make an OHP presentation about the topic in the lesson plan. We also need to apply the different techniques in making OHP presentation as a basis on how we are graded.

The Setting Man (exercise no. 5 Non-objective Shapes)

Exercise no.5
Non-Objective Shapes

In this exercise, we are told to close our eyes and draw something in the cartolina with a specific period of time.We need to draw continuously. After we draw we need to color our output and in coloring we need to apply different colors each shape. after coloring, we need to make a title of our output out on what we see in our abstract drawing.